
India is a country where gender inequality is very prominent.
Females in India face gender inequality from the day that
they are born until their last day on this earth. All kids in India
are raised to think that there is more value in male education,
and because of this the literacy rate in females is only about 65%.
Girls are put in the position where there is an ideology
everywhere around them that they are brought into this world
to get married and then have kids. Since there is such an ideology,
girls believe that they don’t need to have an education, it’s just a
waste. There is a push for women to get married by the age of 18
and these marriages mostly end in early pregnancies. Some places
in India even prohibit pregnant girls to attend school, so the girls
that have to get married at a very young age, don’t even get the
option to go to school. Even the school environment is not designed
for females to succeed. About 23 million girls drop out of school
because they start menstruating. There is a lack of hygiene in the
schools as well as a lack of sanitary pads and female hygiene
products available at the schools.

Saudi Arabia is one of the countries where females have a male guardian
and they control their every move. This could be a husband,father,
son or a brother. Some of the things that women have to ask their male
guardian for permission are to travel, exit prison, marry, and every other
major decision. Sometimes the male guardian can use this in a way that
the female can be free to do most things but mostly this is not the case.
Most times, the male guardian won’t even let the female work unless a
large portion of that money reaches him. Women activists have been
trying to get rid of this male guardianship system but sadly the government
has only made limited changes. This system is extremely unfair to females
in so many different forms, females are not allowed to make their own
choices in life and they are born without a voice and they die without a
voice. Females raise their sons just to have them control their every move.
This gives an unnecessary amount of power to the males and they will carry
this around with them their whole life, feeling proud of all the power they
were born into even though they are controlling another human being as
if they were a pet.

In Pakistan females opinions are ignored, they are either completely
ignored or people find a way to tell them that they are wrong. Although
it is viewed otherwise, Females have a huge role in Pakistani society,
they make up almost 80% of the medical front line workers. Even with
these stats their education is still unvalued and looked down upon. Only
about 25% of girls are able to finish elementary school.
Around 49% of females get pregnant before the age of 20 years old and
21% of females get married before the age of 18. Males are willing to
threaten to kill, mentally/physically abuse or even torture females so
that their parents give more dowry after a marriage.




In yemen a woman is so undervalued that legally they are considered
as half of a person. In court they are only considered to be half of a
person, this changes however when there is a man that can confirm
what the woman is claiming. Females are also mostly illiterate and
only 35% of them can read. This causes them to be looked down upon
even more because they can read and they are legally considered as half
of a person so people think that they are uneducated and unwise. This is
entirely the fault of Yemen's society/government for not giving the right
resources or places for a woman to educate herself. Child marriage is a
very common practice in Yeman. Almost half of the women in yemen
are forced to get married at a young age. Before marriage females are
controlled by their fathers and then after by their husbands. If a
woman wants to even get a passport, she has to ask her husband.

Although issues in human rights in Peru affect most of the population,
women are facing them to a greater extent. Around 33.7% of females
are illiterate in rural areas while only 10.9% of men are. In urban areas
however, the statistics are a little bit better, only 7.4% of women and 2.4%
of women are illiterate. Around 3 times as many women are illiterate
compared to men. About 10.1% of women that are from the ages 15-19
were mothers in 2017. Statistics also show that in 2019, around 22.8%
of women did not have their own incomes while only 9.7 men didn’t
have an income. In 2010 females with their own incomes had to work
35.9 hours a week unpaid.

Children in Chad are raised knowing that they might have to get married
at an extremely young age. About 66.9% of females that are from the ages
20-24 got married before 18 years of age. Around 179.4 per 1000 of females
had children before 18 years of age as well. These young girls have to leave
their education, community, family and much more because they have to
move to their husband's homes. For the reason that they aren’t educated
yet, they focus on getting their families their needs so that they are healthy.
Since they can’t provide for the family, females are the people that take care
of the kids, take care of the house, make food, and get water.


The United States is one of the top countries for economy, but why is there so much gender discrimination?
In the United States, people think that just because women got the right to vote, “feminism” should not exist.
Well it turns out that there is still a lot to do. According to statistics, women and men are still not equal.
Women in the United States make only 85% of what their male co-workers make. Women would need
to work 40 more days every year just to make the same amount as men. This is even worse for women of color.
A Black Woman would have to work for an extra 19 months to earn the same amount of money that a white man
would make in a year. Despite the fact that women usually get paid less than men, at the same time women’s
common household products are more expensive than mens. These could range from shampoos to even clothing.
This makes absolutely no sense, women shouldn’t be paying more for common household items even if they were
being paid an equal amount as a man, but they don’t so that’s even worse. Women are also underrepresented in
the government, even though more than half of the population of the United states is women, only about 25%
of the senate is made up of women. A lot of the time people think that a woman shouldn’t be doing a “mans job”
like working in the government. Women in the USA have to work so much harder to get a job that a man only has
to apply for. When job applications are reviewed, they usually give a woman with the same experiences as a man,
the job that is filled with people that have less experience and has less pay, while the man gets to be with people that
have the same experiences maybe even more as well as having good pay.